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Essential Modern Classics: When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit

Autor Judith Kerr


Essential Modern Classics: When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
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  • Publisher HARPER COLLINS
  • ISBN13 9780007274772
  • ISBN10 0007274777
  • Type Book
  • Collection INGLES
  • Published 2012
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback

Essential Modern Classics: When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit

Autor Judith Kerr


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Book Details

This semi-autobiographical and unforgettable story, of a Jewish family fleeing from Germany before the start of the Second World War, now reissued with its original cover illustration in this very special edition.

Michael Morpurgo called When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit: "The most life-enhancing book you could ever wish to read."

This internationally acclaimed story of one Jewish family's flight from Hitler's Germany has become a much-loved classic, and has been in print since its debut 45 years ago.

Suppose your country began to change. Suppose that without your noticing, it became dangerous for some people to live in Germany any longer. Suppose you found, to your complete surprise, that your own father was one of those people.

That is what happened to Anna in 1933. She was nine years old when it began, too busy to take much notice of political posters, but out of them glared the face of Adolf Hitler, the man who would soon change the whole of Europe - starting with her own small life.

One day, Anna's father was missing. Then she herself and her brother Max were being rushed by their mother, in alarming secrecy, away from everything they knew - home and schoolmates and well-loved toys - right out of Germany...

  • Publisher HARPER COLLINS
  • ISBN13 9780007274772
  • ISBN10 0007274777
  • Type Book
  • Collection INGLES
  • Published 2012
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback

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