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The Apollo Missions: The Incredible Story of the Race to the Moon

Editorial ARCTURUS

The Apollo Missions: The Incredible Story of the Race to the Moon
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  • Publisher ARCTURUS
  • ISBN13 9781788885232
  • ISBN10 1788885236
  • Type Book
  • Pages 192
  • Collection GARDNERS
  • Published 2019
  • Language English

The Apollo Missions: The Incredible Story of the Race to the Moon

Editorial ARCTURUS

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Book Details

Published to coincide with the 50th anniversary the 1969 moon landings, The Apollo Missions is illustrated with documents, blueprints and photographs of the missions as they happened. Analysing the Apollo Space Program, it looks back at a key period in the development of space technology. From early attempts to send a manned vessel into space to Neil Armstrong's historic first steps on the moon, David Baker reveals what happened behind the scenes, including the development of the Service and Lunar modules, mission preparation and how man made an indelible impact on the Moon's surface by leaving bacteria to collect data. Full of fascinating stories and augmented by documents that chronicled the development of the program, this is a brilliant commemoration of one of man's most astounding feats.

Dr David Baker worked with NASA on the Gemini, Apollo and Shuttle programmes between 1965 and 1990. He has written more than 100 books on space flight, aviation and military technology and is the former editor of Jane's Space Directory and Jane's Aircraft Upgrades. In 1986 he was made a member of the International Academy of Astronautics by NASA manned flight boss George Mueller and is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and a member of the US Air Force Association. He received the 1998 Rolls-Royce Award for Aerospace Journalist of the Year and, in 2005, was a recipient of the Arthur C Clarke Award. In October 2017 he received the American Astronautical Society's Frederick I. Ordway III award ""for a sustained excellence in space coverage, as well as engagement in the early US space program"". David is currently a fellow of the British Interplanetary Society and editor of the monthly Spaceflight magazine.

  • Publisher ARCTURUS
  • ISBN13 9781788885232
  • ISBN10 1788885236
  • Type Book
  • Pages 192
  • Collection GARDNERS
  • Published 2019
  • Language English