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My House Is Falling Down

Autor Mary Loudon


My House Is Falling Down
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  • Publisher PAN MACMILLAN
  • ISBN13 9781529005271
  • ISBN10 1529005272
  • Type Book
  • Pages 1
  • Language English

My House Is Falling Down

Autor Mary Loudon


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Book Details

A sophisticated novel that forensically examines how love and infidelity can coexist in a long term relationship - I devoured it! -- Penny Hancock, author of Tideline Nothing I say could match the emotional lure and its sustaining that is here. First person love - real, lived - a tense, irresistible read. -- Jon Snow, Channel 4 News anchor What a lucid, subtle and beautiful writer she is, with a gift for slicing through to the complexities of a relationship or a situation. Reading anything by Mary Loudon is to peer through the bell jar to the truths captured inside it. -- Elizabeth Buchan, author of The Good Wife and The New Mrs Clifton A novel of great tenderness and intelligence . . . A grown up love tangle with interesting, grown up men and women. -- Andrew Miller, author of Pure A truthful, exciting, agonising adult love triangle. An emotional labyrinth, with monsters, great risks - and survival. -- Laline Paull, author of The Bees.

Vivid, compelling and erotically highly charged, My House is Falling Down is the gripping story of a woman stretching love to its limits. For Lucy, marriage to Mark provided an anchor after several years of drifting casually across countries, into jobs and out of relationships. Now forty-two, her anchor is working loose. Bewildered by the demands of motherhood and dissatisfied by her work, she has also grown understandably resentful of her husband: Mark has serious difficulties of his own and whilst harsh self-reliance has kept him sane, it has alienated his wife. When Lucy falls in love with Angus, a pianist in his sixties, her shock is extreme. Adamant that she will not deceive her husband, she instead asks his advice. Mark's reaction, however, is startlingly unorthodox, leaving Lucy to steer an impossible course between duty and desire, adventure and security. As her marriage falters and Angus presses for commitment, she is forced to choose between family and self, with lifelong consequences for everyone. Infused with her trademark precision, clarity and dark humour, Mary Loudon's searing, highly-charged novel My House is Falling Down is a fearless exploration of what infidelity means when no one is lying, and how brutal honesty may yet prove the biggest taboo in our relationships.

  • Publisher PAN MACMILLAN
  • ISBN13 9781529005271
  • ISBN10 1529005272
  • Type Book
  • Pages 1
  • Language English