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Sexual Moralities in France, 1780-1980. New Ideas on the Family, Divorce, and Homosexuality: An Essay on Moral Change

Autor Antony Copley


Sexual Moralities in France, 1780-1980. New Ideas on the Family, Divorce, and Homosexuality: An Essay on Moral Change
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  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780367174262
  • ISBN10 036717426X
  • Type Book

Sexual Moralities in France, 1780-1980. New Ideas on the Family, Divorce, and Homosexuality: An Essay on Moral Change

Autor Antony Copley


-5% disc.    118,96€
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Book Details

Reviews of the original publication:

?An important contribution to the rather neglected field of changing sexual attitudes in France.? French History

?A very likable and lively book.? Times Higher Education Supplement

?A useful introduction to an important set of issues.? Choice

?Copley writes agreeably and discursively, and has much of interest to say.? History

?... a very valuable source of detailed information. I would like to acknowledge the importance of a book in English on this topic.? Modern and Contemporary France

Originally published in 1989. This is the first history of modern France to explore the long-term origins of the libertarian revolt. It traces the moral history from the eighteenth century to the 1960s, examining the questions of marriage and divorce, homosexuality, and sexual morality. It includes detailed chapters on the Marquis de Sade, Charles Fourier, André Gide, and Daniel Guérin in order to illustrate the changing legislation, popular thought and public opinion. The result is an enlightening and provocative account which will be of interest to students of modern French history, moral thought and the history of sexual attitudes.

  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780367174262
  • ISBN10 036717426X
  • Type Book