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Fantastically Great Women Who Saved The Planet


Fantastically Great Women Who Saved The Planet
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  • ISBN13 9781408899298
  • ISBN10 1408899299
  • Type Book
  • Collection GARDNERS
  • Published 2020
  • Language English

Fantastically Great Women Who Saved The Planet


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Book Details

Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders is the third in Kate Pankhurst's colourful picture-book celebrations of notable females; with their playful use of speech bubbles and perspective shifts, they remain significantly more engaging and inspiring than the rival Rebel Girls. (Imogen Russell Williams on Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders The Guardian 2019-02-23)

It's a tremendously engaging read: smart, informative, inclusive and accessible, with gorgeous, visually creative art. The tone is really joyful and it's hard to imagine any group of primary-aged children who wouldn't be inspired by these stories. (Fiona Noble on Fantastically Great Women Who Made History The Bookseller 2017-11-17)

So many worthy nonfiction books for this age group have good intentions but fail to step beyond simple preaching with boring line drawings. This one succeeds, thanks to its interesting choice of role models, gorgeous colourful illustrations, a sense of humour and sharp language that informs without patronising. (The Times on Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World 2016-08-20)

It's impossible not to be inspired by this book, written by a descendent of Emmeline Pankhurst, and the great women featured in it. Their stories are told across bright spreads, which are packed with information that will make readers excited about the remarkable achievements described (Absolutely Education on Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World)

Every element of this book is pieced together perfectly; the amount of information, the fun way it is presented, the illustrations and of course the diverse mix of women. This book should be available in every school and every library and is sure to inspire young people to follow their hearts. (Acorn Books on Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World)

An absolute must-have for every young person's bookshelf. (The Huffington Post on Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World)

This book which is a must have for anybody - girl or boy, man or woman - it's enlightening for one and all . it's celebratory; laying out key messages in an attractive and engaging way to inspire a new set of admirers. (Books for Keeps on Fantastically Great Women Who Made History)

From bestselling author and illustrator Kate Pankhurst, descendent of Emmeline Pankhurst, comes another 'smart, informative, inclusive and accessible' book about trail-blazing women (Fiona Noble, The Bookseller). This time, it's women who have been making decisions that have helped protect our natural world from way before it was on a political agenda. Discover their untold stories.

Tackle the plastic problem with Isatou Ceesay by recycling waste into beautiful objects. Marvel at the intelligence of chimpanzees with Jane Goodall. Learn why it's important to shop fair trade and cruelty-free with Anita Roddick and The Body Shop. Resist devastating deforestation and plant seeds of change with Wangari Maathai.

We're in an age when young people like Greta Thunberg are calling for those in power to 'wake up' and take action. But everyone has a part to play. Written with hope and encouragement, this book shows that all actions, big and small, can be powerful in the fight against climate breakdown.

Kate Pankhurst illustrates and writes from her studio in Leeds with her spotty dog, Olive. She loves a good story, the funnier the better, and gets her best ideas by doodling in her sketchbook; because even quick, wonky drawings can spark ideas for amazing plots. As a child Kate spent most of her time drawing silly characters and thinking up funny things for them to do, she feels very lucky to now do this as her job.

  • ISBN13 9781408899298
  • ISBN10 1408899299
  • Type Book
  • Collection GARDNERS
  • Published 2020
  • Language English