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Pindar and the Emergence of Literature

Pindar and the Emergence of Literature
38,14€ -5% disc.
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  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9781107539099
  • ISBN10 1107539099
  • Type Book
  • Pages 384

Pindar and the Emergence of Literature

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Book Details

Pindar and the Emergence of Literature places Pindar in the context of the evolution of Archaic Greek poetics. While presenting an in-depth introduction to diverse aspects of Pindar's art (authorial metapoetics, imagery, genre hybridization, religion, social context, and dialect), it seeks to establish a middle ground between cultural contextualism and literary history, paying attention both to poetry's historical milieu and its uncanny capacity to endure in time. With that methodological objective, the book marshals a new version of historical poetics, drawing both on theorists usually associated with this approach, such as Alexander Veselovsky, Mikhail Bakhtin, and Olga Freidenberg, and on T. S. Eliot, Hans Blumenberg, Fredric Jameson, and Stephen Greenblatt. The ultimate literary-historical problem posed by Pindar's poetics, which this book sets out to solve, is the transformation of pre-literary structures rooted in folk communal art into elements that still inform our notion of literature.

For much of Western history, Pindar's work was recognized as the pinnacle of lyric poetry. This book presents an introduction to different aspects of Pindar's art, while demonstrating its importance for the coming into being of literature as it has been conceived of in the West.

Boris Maslov is Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Chicago. He has published many articles on ancient Greek literature and its reception, the comparative history of concepts, and the history of literary theory. He is a co-editor, with Ilya Kliger, of Persistent Forms: Explorations in Historical Poetics (2015).

  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9781107539099
  • ISBN10 1107539099
  • Type Book
  • Pages 384