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All the Sonnets of Shakespeare

Autor William Shakespeare / Paul Edmondson / Stanley Wells


All the Sonnets of Shakespeare
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  • ISBN13 9781108490399
  • ISBN10 1108490395
  • Type Book
  • Pages 306
  • Published 2020
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Hard cover

All the Sonnets of Shakespeare

Autor William Shakespeare / Paul Edmondson / Stanley Wells


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Book Details

How can we look afresh at Shakespeare as a writer of sonnets? What new light might they shed on his career, personality, and sexuality? Shakespeare wrote sonnets for at least thirty years, not only for himself, for professional reasons, and for those he loved, but also in his plays, as prologues, as epilogues, and as part of their poetic texture. This ground-breaking book assembles all of Shakespeare's sonnets in their probable order of composition. An inspiring introduction debunks long-established biographical myths about Shakespeare's sonnets and proposes new insights about how and why he wrote them. Explanatory notes and modern English paraphrases of every poem and dramatic extract illuminate the meaning of these sometimes challenging but always deeply rewarding witnesses to Shakespeare's inner life and professional expertise. Beautifully printed and elegantly presented, this volume will be treasured by students, scholars, and every Shakespeare enthusiast.

Paul Edmondson, The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
Paul Edmondson is Head of Research and Knowledge and Director of the Stratford-upon-Avon Poetry Festival for the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. He is the author, co-author, and co-editor of many books and articles about Shakespeare, including Shakespeare: Ideas in Profile (2015), Twelfth Night (2005), The Shakespeare Circle: An Alternative Biography (2015) and Shakespeare Beyond Doubt: Evidence, Argument, Controversy (2013) (both with Stanley Wells for Cambridge University Press), Shakespeare's Creative Legacies (with Peter Holbrook, 2016); Finding Shakespeare's New Place: an archaeological biography (with Kevin Colls and William Mitchell, 2016) and New Places: Shakespeare and Civic Creativity (co-edited with Ewan Fernie, 2018).

Stanley Wells, The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
Professor Sir Stanley Wells Stanley Wells, CBE, FRSL, is Honorary President at The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. His many books include Shakespeare: For All Time (2002), Looking for Sex in Shakespeare (2004), Shakespeare & Co. (2006), Shakespeare, Sex, and Love (2010) and Great Shakespeare Actors (2015). He edited Shakespeare Survey for almost twenty years, and is co-editor of The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Stage (with Sarah Stanton, Cambridge, 2002), The New Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare (with Margreta de Grazia, Cambridge, 2010) and The Shakespeare Circle: An Alternative Biography (with Paul Edmondson, Cambridge, 2015). He is also the General Editor of the Oxford and Penguin editions of Shakespeare.

  • ISBN13 9781108490399
  • ISBN10 1108490395
  • Type Book
  • Pages 306
  • Published 2020
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Hard cover