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Multilingual Online Academic Collaborations as Resistance: Crossing Impassable Borders: 4 (Researching Multilingually)


Multilingual Online Academic Collaborations as Resistance: Crossing Impassable Borders: 4 (Researching Multilingually)
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  • ISBN13 9781788929585
  • ISBN10 1788929586
  • Type Book
  • Pages 224
  • Published 2020

Multilingual Online Academic Collaborations as Resistance: Crossing Impassable Borders: 4 (Researching Multilingually)


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Book Details

The book opens a discussion on what it means to collaborate through the internet when one of the two partners is living in a situation of forced closure. The collected stories of collaboration are not only stories of resistance and resilience, but narratives of innovation and openness. They represent an immense source of inspiration for the whole Mediterranean community and beyond, and examples of equitable and sustainable international academic collaboration. * Marcello Scalisi, UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union * This book documents and enacts a creative improvisation that challenges, resists and connects. Produced by powerful academic online collaborators, it opens a window into the cultural resilience that stubbornly co-created curious academic bridges in spite of the impassable borders. This book offers a rare and valuable opportunity to learn from and about resilient education and scholarly innovation in areas torn by war, like the Gaza Strip. It challenges us to rethink our remits of possibility. * Khawla Badwan, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK *
Biografía del autor
Giovanna Fassetta is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Her research interests include multilingualism, intercultural communication, language education, migration studies, and indigenous knowledges and methodologies in research. Nazmi Al-Masri is an Associate Professor of Education at the Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine. His research interests include language teacher education, intercultural communication, curriculum development, and evaluation and technology in education. Alison Phipps is UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts, and Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. She writes and publishes widely in both academic publications and the media, and is a respected activist and campaigner for humane treatment for those seeking refuge.

  • ISBN13 9781788929585
  • ISBN10 1788929586
  • Type Book
  • Pages 224
  • Published 2020