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The Routledge Companion to Literature and Human Rights

The Routledge Companion to Literature and Human Rights
55,90€ -5% disc.
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  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780367365516
  • ISBN10 0367365510
  • Type Book
  • Language English

The Routledge Companion to Literature and Human Rights

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Book Details

The Routledge Companion to Literature and Human Rights provides a comprehensive, transnational, and interdisciplinary map to this emerging field, offering a broad overview of human rights and literature while providing innovative readings on key topics. The first of its kind, this volume covers essential issues and themes, necessarily crossing disciplines between the social sciences and humanities. Sections cover:
subjects, with pieces on subjectivity, humanity, identity, gender, universality, the particular, the body
forms, visiting the different ways human rights stories are crafted and formed via the literary, the visual, the performative, and the oral
contexts, tracing the development of the literature over time and in relation to specific regions and historical events
impacts, considering the power and limits of human rights literature, rhetoric, and visual culture

  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780367365516
  • ISBN10 0367365510
  • Type Book
  • Language English

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