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  • ISBN13 9781576879535
  • ISBN10 1576879534
  • Type Book
  • Pages 1
  • Published 2020
  • Language English
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Book Details

"He's the exact visual correlative of what I think contemporary literature should be, but usually isn't doing." --Tom McCarthy, author of Remainder

"Once in a while I'm presented with covers that cross the barriers of cultural reference and visual language. That feel universal. That feel like perfect starts to stories. Covers that I don't want the reader to forget, but to carry with them throughout my books. Those covers are Peters Mendelsund's covers." --Jo Nesbø, author ofThe Snowman

"Peter Mendelsund has the ability to visually and conceptually distill a narrative in such a way that it seems effortlessly inventive, striking, smart, fresh and yet classic. And he does it again and again and again. How I hate him."--Chip Kidd

"Peter Mendelsund is a true artist."--Ben Marcus, author of The Flame Alphabet

"Upbeat and thrilling to look at, his designs are works of art, and at the same time they encapsulate the writer's truest goal."--Nicholas Fox Weber, author of Le Corbusier, and The Bauhaus Group

"'Cover' is foremost a visually enticing tour of some of the most important books of recent times, made even more memorable by Mendelsund's daring covers. The beautifully designed volume is nicely paced with a mix of testimonials from authors whose book covers Mendelsund has designed, along with his own comments on various aspects of the design process."-- "The Washington Post"

"Among book designers, Peter Mendelsund is the best reader of all. You always recognize one of his covers when you see it, and it's not because he tends toward certain colors or typefaces-quite the opposite. Rather, it's something about the way the cover illuminates the text. You can tell he didn't just read the manuscript; he internalized it. The result somehow feels both inevitable and surprising: the only possible solution but one you could never dream up yourself." -Bomb "'Cover'provides insight into the designer's process and pushes us to reconsider what we think we know about the graphic representation of words and ideas."-- "New Republic"

"He suffers from a surfeit of ideas. In the past decade, Mr. Mendelsund has designed about 600 book jackets, ranging from a sober, sophisticated cover for Tolstoy's 'War and Peace' to his whimsical Pop Art-like treatment of Kafka's novella 'Metamorphosis, ' to the hypnotic fluorescent swirls on Stieg Larsson's thriller 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.'"-- "The New York Times"
Biografía del autor
Peter Mendelsund is the associate art director of Alfred A. Knopf Books, and a recovering classical pianist. He lives in Manhattan with his wife and two daughters.

Peter Mendelsund is a novelist, a graphic designer, and the creative director of The Atlantic.
Mendelsund is the author of two novels, Same Same and The Delivery, as well as three books about
literature and the visual imagination: What We See When We Read, Cover, and The Look of the Book.

  • ISBN13 9781576879535
  • ISBN10 1576879534
  • Type Book
  • Pages 1
  • Published 2020
  • Language English

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