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Love & Olives

Autor Jenna Evans Welch


Love & Olives
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  • Publisher SIMON & SCHUSTER UK LTD.
  • ISBN13 9781534448841
  • ISBN10 1534448845
  • Type Book
  • Pages 528
  • Published 2021
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback

Love & Olives

Autor Jenna Evans Welch


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Book Details

A New York Times Bestseller

From the New York Times bestselling author of Love & Gelato comes a Mamma Mia!–inspired tale about a teen girl finding romance while trying to connect with her absent father in beautiful Santorini, Greece.

Liv Varanakis doesn't have a lot of fond memories of her father, which makes sense—he fled to Greece when she was only eight. What Liv does remember, though, is their shared love for Greek myths and the lost city of Atlantis. So when Liv suddenly receives a postcard from her father explaining that National Geographic is funding a documentary about his theories on Atlantis—and will she fly out to Greece and help?—Liv jumps at the opportunity.

But when she arrives to gorgeous Santorini, things are a little…awkward.

There are so many questions, so many emotions that flood to the surface after seeing her father for the first time in years. And yet Liv doesn't want their past to get in the way of a possible reconciliation. She also definitely doesn't want Theo—her father's charismatic so-called ';protégé'—to witness her struggle.

And that means diving into all that Santorini has to offer—the beautiful sunsets, the turquoise water, the hidden caves, and the delicious cuisine.

But not everything on the Greek island is as perfect as it seems. Because as Liv slowly begins to discover, her father may not have invited her to Greece for Atlantis, but for something much more important.

  • Publisher SIMON & SCHUSTER UK LTD.
  • ISBN13 9781534448841
  • ISBN10 1534448845
  • Type Book
  • Pages 528
  • Published 2021
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback