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Why Friendship Matters: Selected Writings (Macmillan Collector's Library)

Autor Michèle Mendelssohn


Why Friendship Matters: Selected Writings (Macmillan Collector's Library)
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  • Publisher COLLECTOR'S
  • ISBN13 9781529032659
  • ISBN10 1529032652
  • Type Book
  • Language English

Why Friendship Matters: Selected Writings (Macmillan Collector's Library)

Autor Michèle Mendelssohn


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Book Details

Biografía del autor

Michèle Mendelssohn is a literary critic and cultural historian. A Professor at Oxford University, she has written and co-edited books on authors such as Henry James and Oscar Wilde and her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Guardian and a range of academic journals. She has appeared on international radio and television and given talks and lectures around the UK.

Selected writings from: Michel de Montaigne, Oscar Wilde, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Ralph Walso Emerson, Jane Austen, Anne Isabella Thackeray, Alice E. Ives, Audre Lorde, Harriet Jacobs, James Boswell, Samuel Johnson, Francis Bacon

  • Publisher COLLECTOR'S
  • ISBN13 9781529032659
  • ISBN10 1529032652
  • Type Book
  • Language English