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The Littlest Family's Big Day

Autor Emily Winfield Martin

Editorial VIKING

The Littlest Family's Big Day
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  • Publisher VIKING
  • ISBN13 9780525578673
  • ISBN10 0525578676
  • Type Book

The Littlest Family's Big Day

Autor Emily Winfield Martin

Editorial VIKING

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Book Details

Biografía del autor
Emily Winfield Martin is the New York Times bestselling author of The Wonderful Things You Will Be. She makes paintings, books and other things. When she was small, she spent every moment drawing, reading, dressing rabbits in fancy clothes, and having many peculiar daydreams. When she grew up, she began to illustrate those daydreams and she created a cottage industry called The Black Apple, which sells all manner of her art and etceteras.

She works in a tiny nook of a studio filled with old children's books, wind-up toys, and stacks of fabric. She lives in Portland, Or.

You can visit her at

  • Publisher VIKING
  • ISBN13 9780525578673
  • ISBN10 0525578676
  • Type Book

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