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Pink Lemonade (Modern Plays)


Pink Lemonade (Modern Plays)
-5% disc.    18,45€
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Pink Lemonade (Modern Plays)


-5% disc.    18,45€
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Book Details

Dynamic, witty and moving ? The Scotsman

A call for a revolution of acceptance? Pink Lemonade is stunning contemporary theatre with both heart and message? a triumphant Fringe debut ? The List
Biografía del autor
Mika Onyx Johnson is an actor, writer and performance artist from Nottingham now based in London. Recent credits include; as an actor Cyrano de Bergerac (West End) and as a writer My White Best Friend (The Bunker). Pink Lemonade is Mika's debut show. It previewed at the Gate Theatre and premiered at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019 where it was included in The Stage 18 best shows of the Fringe and is now transferring to the Bush Theatre. Pink Lemonade is currently being developed for TV with Balloon Entertainment and the BBC.