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Four Novels

Autor Irène Némirovsky

Four Novels
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  • ISBN13 9781841593081
  • ISBN10 1841593087
  • Type Book
  • Pages 408

Four Novels

Autor Irène Némirovsky

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Book Details

The work of a genuine artist -- Julian Barnes

Nemirovsky has a great gift for describing the ordinariness that surrounds catastrophes... it is this ability to conjure up people, in all their moods and foibles, their selflessness or vanity, that makes Suite Francaise so remarkable ? Literary Review
Irène Némirovsky was born in Kiev in 1903, the daughter of a successful Jewish banker. In 1918 her family fled the Russian Revolution for France where she became a bestselling novelist, author of David Golder, All Our Worldly Goods, The Dogs and the Wolves and other works published in her lifetime or soon after, such as the posthumously published Suite Française and Fire in the Blood. She was prevented from publishing when the Germans occupied France and moved with her husband and two small daughters from Paris to the safety of the small village of Issy-l'Evêque (in German occupied territory). It was here that Irène began writing Suite Française. She died in Auschwitz in 1942.

  • ISBN13 9781841593081
  • ISBN10 1841593087
  • Type Book
  • Pages 408

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