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The New Urban Aesthetic: Digital Experiences of Urban Change

Autor Monica Montserrat Degen / Gillian Rose


The New Urban Aesthetic: Digital Experiences of Urban Change
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The New Urban Aesthetic: Digital Experiences of Urban Change

Autor Monica Montserrat Degen / Gillian Rose


-5% disc.    117,00€
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Book Details

Mónica Montserrat Degen is Reader in Cultural Sociology at Brunel University London, UK. She is the author of Sensing Cities (Routledge 2008),The Meta-city: Barcelona ? Transformation of a Metropolis (with M. Garcia, Editorial Anthropos, Barcelona 2008) and Culture and Agency (with M. Miles, University of Plymouth Press 2010). She has published widely on urban experience, spatial politics, urban design and urban transformations in cities across the globe.

Gillian Rose is Professor of Human Geography at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of the British Academy and the Academy of Social Sciences. She is the author of Feminism and Geography (Polity, 1993), Doing Family Photography (Ashgate, 2010) and Visual Methodologies (Sage, fifth edition 2022), as well as many papers on images, visualising technologies and ways of seeing in urban, domestic and archival spaces.

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