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My Sister Milly

My Sister Milly
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  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9781405927574
  • ISBN10 1405927577
  • Type Book
  • Pages 624

My Sister Milly

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Book Details

This is Gemma Dowler's powerful account, as seen on The One Show and This Morning . . .

'My name is Gemma Dowler. On 21 March 2002, a serial killer named Levi Bellfield stole my sister and sent our family to Hell . . .'

Everyone thinks they know the story of Milly Dowler.

? From the publisher's description

Compelling, an amazing book -- Jeremy Vine ? BBC Radio 2

The most honest and unsettling account ? BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour

Powerful ? Daily Express

Tragic . . . poignant . . . full of emotional memories ? The Mirror

[Gemma] opens up . . . the books serves as 'fighting spirit' ? Newcastle Journal

Inspired . . . the book to allows her voice to be heard ? OK! Magazine

Gemma Dowler has finally revealed how deep they sank in My Sister Milly . . . her family's story is told in their own words ? Daily Record

Gemma's book paints happy memories of her sister, a quirky teen who loved music, dancing and playing the saxophone ? Reveal

On the 21st of March 2002, Gemma Dowler was a happy, confident teenager at the heart of a loving, funny, music-mad family. That day, life as she knew it came to an abrupt end with the abduction and murder of her beloved younger sister, Milly.

This book has been written so that one day Gemma's own children can read the true story of their Aunty Milly recounted by a sister who will never forget her and never stop loving her.

  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9781405927574
  • ISBN10 1405927577
  • Type Book
  • Pages 624