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Gone With the Windsors

Autor Laurie Graham


Gone With the Windsors
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  • Publisher HARPER COLLINS
  • ISBN13 9780060872724
  • ISBN10 0060872721
  • Type Book
  • Pages 409
  • Published 2007
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback

Gone With the Windsors

Autor Laurie Graham


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Book Details

"[A] witty and un-catty insight into British pre-war high society, as Wally and Maybell rise and shine while the storm clouds gather over Europe." --Independent

A wicked comedy about the romance of the century--how Wallis Simpson caused the first, and greatest, royal scandal--from the best-selling author of The Future Homemakers of America

When Maybell Brumby, frisky, wealthy, and recently widowed, quits Baltimore and arrives in London, she finds that her old school chum, Bessie Wallis Warfield, is there ahead of her. Impoverished and ambitious as ever, Wallis is on the make. Hampered by plodding husband number two, but armed with terrific bone structure and a few erotic tricks picked up in China, Wallis sets her sights on the most eligible bachelor in the world: the Prince of Wales, heir to the throne. Maybell, with her deep pockets, makes the perfect ally, and her disarming dimness makes her the most delicious chronicler of the scandal that rocked a monarchy and changed the course of history.

As fizzy as a freshly-popped bottle of champagne, Gone with the Windsors is a supremely clever entertainment: bedtime reading for lovers of Oscar Wilde and Noel Coward.

  • Publisher HARPER COLLINS
  • ISBN13 9780060872724
  • ISBN10 0060872721
  • Type Book
  • Pages 409
  • Published 2007
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback