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Compact Key for Schools Second edition English for Spanish Speakers Student's Book without answers with Digital Pack

Compact Key for Schools Second edition English for Spanish Speakers Student's Book without answers with Digital Pack
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  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P (ESP)
  • ISBN13 9788413223742
  • ISBN10 8413223741
  • Type Book
  • Pages 160
  • Published 2022
  • Language Spanish
  • Range School level and Autonomous Community in Spain Exact 21001000000

Compact Key for Schools Second edition English for Spanish Speakers Student's Book without answers with Digital Pack

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Book Details

Compact ofrece una revisión exhaustiva del lenguaje apoyada con práctica para los exámenes de Cambridge. Ideal para cursos cortos o para usar conjuntamente con un curso general de inglés. Cada unidad se ocupa de una parte del examen y está organizada según las destrezas que se evalúan. Incluye consejos que preparan a los estudiantes para el examen, vocabulario específico, basado en English Profile, que hace que los estudiantes tengan permanentemente el nivel . Ejercicios de gramática, vocabulario y corrección de errores entrenan a los estudiantes para evitarlos errores más comunes que cometen los candidatos al examen. Una sección específica para alumnos hispanohablantes (Key for Schools, Compact Preliminary for Schools y First). Además, la sección English for Spanish Speakers* en Compact Key for Schools, Compact Preliminary for Schools y Compact First ofrece consejos sobre la ortografía de palabras problemáticas, actividades de listening diseñadas para que los alumnos identifiquen correctamente la pronunciación en inglés, ejemplos de errores comunes en gramática con indicación de cómo evitarlos y palabras y expresiones comunes y cómo su uso es distinto en las expresiones equivalentes en inglés.

Compact offers a comprehensive language review supported with practice for Cambridge exams. Ideal for short courses or to use in conjunction with a general English course. Each unit deals with one part of the exam and is organized according to the skills being tested. It includes advice that prepares students for the exam, specific vocabulary, based on the English Profile, which makes students permanently on level . Grammar, vocabulary, and error correction exercises train students to avoid the most common mistakes exam candidates make. A specific section for Spanish-speaking students (Key for Schools, Compact Preliminary for Schools and First). In addition, the English for Spanish Speakers* section in Compact Key for Schools, Compact Preliminary for Schools and Compact First offers tips on spelling problem words, listening activities designed for students to correctly identify English pronunciation, examples of common mistakes in grammar with an indication of how to avoid them and common words and expressions and how their use is different from the equivalent expressions in English.
  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P (ESP)
  • ISBN13 9788413223742
  • ISBN10 8413223741
  • Type Book
  • Pages 160
  • Published 2022
  • Language Spanish
  • Range School level and Autonomous Community in Spain Exact 21001000000