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Windows NT SNMP

Autor James D. Murray

Editorial O´REILLY

Windows NT SNMP
-5% disc.    50,37€
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  • Publisher O´REILLY
  • ISBN13 9781565923386
  • ISBN10 1565923383
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Windows NT SNMP

Autor James D. Murray

Editorial O´REILLY

-5% disc.    50,37€
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Book Details

This book covers the implementation of SNMP on Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0 (with a look ahead to NT 5.0) and Windows 95 systems. It contains the basics of SNMP, computer networking, and network management; programming for NT SNMP. Detailed developer information on installing the Microsoft SNMP service, using the Microsoft SNMP APIs, developing Win32 SNMP extension agents, implementing traps, and writing network management applications; and extensive references to additional SNMP online and offline resources. The book comes with a CD-ROM containing a wealth of additional information: standards documents, sample code from the book, and many third-party, SNMP-related software tools, libraries, and demos.
  • Publisher O´REILLY
  • ISBN13 9781565923386
  • ISBN10 1565923383
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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