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Data base programming with JDBC and Java

Autor George Reese

Editorial O´REILLY

Data base programming with JDBC and Java
-5% disc.    43,21€
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  • Publisher O´REILLY
  • ISBN13 9781565922709
  • ISBN10 1565922700
  • Type Book
  • Pages 224
  • Published 1996
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Data base programming with JDBC and Java

Autor George Reese

Editorial O´REILLY

-5% disc.    43,21€
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Book Details

Java and databases make a powerful combination. Getting the two sides to work together, however, takes some effort - largely because Java deals in objects, while most databases do not. This book describes the standard Java interfaces that make portable, object-oriented access to relational databases possible, and offers a robust model for writing applications that are easy to maintain. It introduces the JDBC and RMI packages and uses them to develop three-tier applications (applications divided into a user interface, an object-oriented logic component, and an information store). If you have a database at your site and have studied Java, this book will help you become a more effective application developer for Java database programs. The book includes reference listings for JDBC and the most important RMI classes, and covers Java 1.1.
  • Publisher O´REILLY
  • ISBN13 9781565922709
  • ISBN10 1565922700
  • Type Book
  • Pages 224
  • Published 1996
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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