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Reengineering legacy software systems

Reengineering legacy software systems
67,83€ -5% disc.
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  • Publisher DIGITAL
  • ISBN13 9781555581954
  • ISBN10 1555581951
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Reengineering legacy software systems

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Book Details

Reengineering Legacy Software Systems is an invaluable resource for information technology managers and software engineers who are faced with the problem of having to update their existing software systems without spending a lot of money. It shows how to evaluate systems, identify the problems, and fix them without starting over from scratch and focuses on building from the positive aspects of the system. This book provides a framework for keeping application systems synchronized with business strategies and technology changes. It addresses the shortfalls of traditional methodologies and provides an alternative approach that includes object technology, CASE technology, and expert systems. This methodology creates an architecture for continuous reengineering.
  • Publisher DIGITAL
  • ISBN13 9781555581954
  • ISBN10 1555581951
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic