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C++ effective object-oriented software construction

Autor Kayshav Dattatri

Editorial PRENTICE

C++ effective object-oriented software construction
-5% disc.    48,83€
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  • Publisher PRENTICE
  • ISBN13 9780131041189
  • ISBN10 0131041185
  • Type Book
  • Collection UNIVERSITARIO
  • Published 1997
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Rustic

C++ effective object-oriented software construction

Autor Kayshav Dattatri

Editorial PRENTICE

-5% disc.    48,83€
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Book Details

Learn object-oriented programming the way commercial developers do it!

C++: Effective Object-Oriented Software Construction has one goal: to help you understand the C++ object-oriented paradigm in depth, so you can translate object concepts to practical solutions, no matter what software development environment you encounter.

This book introduces the fundamentals of object-oriented design/programming in the context of real-world C++ software development, presenting proven strategies for using object languages to engineer elegant, high-quality software as quickly and efficiently as possible. You'll learn about:

  • Classes, objects, and data abstraction

  • Single and multiple inheritance, generic programming, and error management

  • OO design techniques and strategies for building efficient and stable architectures

  • The C++ object model, and its cost/benefit implications

  • C++ code style guidelines for projects

  • Tips for writing multi-threaded OO software

In this book, the author reveals the strategies Professional developers have learned to maximize code and design reuse. You'll learn how to manage the extensive "housekeeping" that's associated with effective C++ software development. Then, you'll walk through detailed, real-world comparisons of the strengths and weaknesses of each major object-oriented language, including C++, Smalltalk and Eiffel. In addition, this book uses the new UML (Unified Modeling Language) to illustrate its design examples.

Whether you're a new programmer, a programmer familiar with procedural languages, or a C++ programmer who isn't using object-oriented techniques to their full potential, C++: Effective Object-Oriented Construction will help you achieve your most critical goals as a developer.

  • Publisher PRENTICE
  • ISBN13 9780131041189
  • ISBN10 0131041185
  • Type Book
  • Collection UNIVERSITARIO
  • Published 1997
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Rustic