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Windows NT server 4.0

Autor Robert Bruce Thompson


Windows NT server 4.0
-5% disc.    57,16€
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Windows NT server 4.0

Autor Robert Bruce Thompson


-5% disc.    57,16€
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Book Details

Windows NT Server 4.0 for NetWare Administrators provides a fast-track means for experienced NetWare administrators to master the fundamentals of using Microsoft Windows NT Server. This book compares and contrasts NetWare and NT concepts, features, and methodologies. It is aimed squarely at NetWare administrators who are thinking, "I know how to do this with NetWare; how do I do it with NT?" This book helps you master the administration of Windows NT servers. All new concepts are defined in NetWare terms. While migration issues and strategies are well covered, the focus of the book is on the coexistence of Windows NT and NetWare, a more common scenario. Thorough discussions of the client and server tools Microsoft provides for NetWare, a full description of TCP/IP networking, and an introduction to Norton Utilities for Windows NT are also included.