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Imperial legacy. The ottoman imprint of the Balkans and the middle Eas

Autor L. Carl Brown


Imperial legacy. The ottoman imprint of the Balkans and the middle Eas
-5% disc.    75,00€
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Imperial legacy. The ottoman imprint of the Balkans and the middle Eas

Autor L. Carl Brown


-5% disc.    75,00€
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Book Details

Imperial Legacy gathers together distinguished scholars to demonstrate how the Ottoman legacy continues to shape patterns of behavior and perception among the peoples of Western Asia, Northern Africa, and Southeastern Europe. The authors also explore how this complex history is reinscribed by nations and ethnic groups in the building of ideologies and identities today. Ranging widely through issues including politics, diplomacy, education, language, and religion, these essays also address the different regional perspectives on the Ottoman Legacy found in the Arab world, the Balkans, and the Republic of Turkey.