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The User. The truth about drugs-what they do, how they feel, and why p

Autor Aidan Macfarlane / Philip Robson / Magnus MacFarlane

Editorial OXFORD U.P.

The User. The truth about drugs-what they do, how they feel, and why p
  • Publisher OXFORD U.P.
  • ISBN13 9780192861795
  • ISBN10 0192861794
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic

The User. The truth about drugs-what they do, how they feel, and why p

Autor Aidan Macfarlane / Philip Robson / Magnus MacFarlane

Editorial OXFORD U.P.

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Book Details

Whether you agree with drug use or are horrified by it, you cannot ignore it. This text sets out to exlain why people take drugs, what they are like, how it feels, what can go wrong, and what happens if the user is caught. The book contains interviews in which young people, parents, dealers, counsellors, and the police tell the story as it really is. Each interview is followed by a section of clear factual information about the particular drugs and issues raised.
  • Publisher OXFORD U.P.
  • ISBN13 9780192861795
  • ISBN10 0192861794
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Rustic