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Selva central. History, economy, and land use in peruvian amazonia

Autor Fernando Santos-Granero

Editorial VOX

Selva central. History, economy, and land use in peruvian amazonia
-5% disc.    52,80€
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  • Publisher VOX
  • ISBN13 9781560987611
  • ISBN10 1560987618
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Cloth

Selva central. History, economy, and land use in peruvian amazonia

Autor Fernando Santos-Granero

Editorial VOX

-5% disc.    52,80€
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Book Details

Encompassing the heights of the Andes and the low-lying rainforests near the eastern frontier with Brazil, the Selva Central of Peru has one of the area's most dynamic economies. However, over the past four hundred years, the region has suffered and continues to be plagued by periods of economic and political disorder. Chronicling the region's history from 1635 to the present. Fernando Santos-Granero and Frederica Barclay assess the roles of immigrant colonists and indigenous groups in the political and economic development of Selva Central. They show how early missionary and mining endeavors paved the way for colonial expansion and analyze the effects of plantation agriculture and the timber industry on the region's ecology.
  • Publisher VOX
  • ISBN13 9781560987611
  • ISBN10 1560987618
  • Type Book
  • Bookbinding Cloth