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The Sunday Philosophy Club

The Sunday Philosophy Club
13,00€ -5% dto.
Ahorra 0,65€
  • ISBN13 9780349139418
  • ISBN10 0349139415
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 304
  • Idioma Inglés

The Sunday Philosophy Club

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Detalles del libro

Amateur sleuth Isabel Dalhousie is a philosopher who also uses her training to solve unusual mysteries. Isabel is Editor of the Review of Applied Ethics - which addresses such questions as 'Truth telling in sexual relationships' - and she also hosts The Sunday Philosophy Club at her house in Edinburgh. Behind the city's Georgian facades its moral compasses are spinning with greed, dishonesty and murderous intent. Instinct tells Isabel that the young man who tumbled to his death in front of her eyes at a concert in the Usher Hall didn't fall. He was pushed.

With Isabel Dalhousie Alexander McCall Smith introduces a new and pneumatic female sleuth to tackle murder, mayhem - and the mysteries of life. As her hero WH Auden maintained, classic detective fiction stems from a desire for an uncorrupted Eden which the detective, as an agent of God, can return to us. But then Isabel, being a philosopher, has a thing or two to say about God as well.

ALEXANDER McCALL SMITH has a double existence. He is a Professor of Medical Law, but also an author who has now written over fifty books on a wide range of subjects. His collection of African stories, CHILDREN OF WAX, received critical acclaim and has been the subject of an award-winning film.

  • ISBN13 9780349139418
  • ISBN10 0349139415
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 304
  • Idioma Inglés

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