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The Push: A Climber's Journey of Endurance, Risk and Going Beyond Limits

Autor Tommy Caldwell


The Push: A Climber's Journey of Endurance, Risk and Going Beyond Limits
-5% dto.    11,50€
Ahorra 0,58€
  • ISBN13 9781405924740
  • ISBN10 1405924748
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 464
  • Idioma Inglés

The Push: A Climber's Journey of Endurance, Risk and Going Beyond Limits

Autor Tommy Caldwell


-5% dto.    11,50€
Ahorra 0,58€
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Detalles del libro

A dramatic, inspiring memoir by legendary rock climber Tommy Caldwell, the first person to free climb the Dawn Wall of Yosemite's El Capitan. (from the publisher's description)

A genuine achievement in its own right . . . Caldwell's voice comes through clearly in passages of well crafted prose . . . The Push is not simply a book about rock climbing (Guardian)

The most daring free climber on the planet (The Times)

The authenticity is compelling, the stories inspiring . . . impossible to put down. (Sarah Ryan Trail)

BOOK OF THE WEEK . . . heart-stopping, absorbing (Daily Mail)

Whilst undeniably a book about climbing, it manages to be more than that . . . Perhaps the most gripping moments in the book happen away from climbing altogether . . . One of the most insightful climbing books of recent times, The Push comes highly recommended. (Trek & Mountain)

A real page-turner . . . captivating and deeply moving (Climb Magazine)

Totally captivating . . . beautifully constructed and passionately written (Climber Magazine)

Exquisitely detailed ... The Push achieves the rarest of adventure reads: it thrills with colourful details of courage and perseverance but it enriches readers with an absolutely captivating glimpse of how a simple yet unwavering resolve can turn adversity into reward ... Caldwell is not just unflinchingly forthright in The Push, but his writing flows with the grace that defines his climbing ... While Caldwell excels at vividly illuminating his exploits - descriptions of climbs, his awe of nature, the physical challenges - his writing shines brightest as he examines his inner life ... he shows that pursuing a life pursuing adventure should inspire anyone (Denver Post)

You always know that Caldwell's going to make it to the top of that 3,000-foot hunk of Yosemite granite. The book's raw honesty helps it transcend the hackneyed sports-autobiography genre (Outside)

'A real page-turner . . . captivating and deeply moving' Climb magazine

In 2015 freeclimber Tommy Caldwell spent 19 days summiting Yosemite's vertical, 3000-foot Dawn Wall - the hardest climb in history.

It was the culmination of seven years planning and a lifetime's determination.

Here, he recounts how he got there, the falls and set backs (being held hostage, losing his index finger, the break-up of his marriage), the summits conquered and the fears overcome. It is a story about drive, focus and how to achieve the impossible - one toehold at a time.

'Caldwell's story is one of the best. You get more than just a climbing adventure, you get the inside view of how a person can endure crushing setbacks and persist to fulfill a spectacular vision' Jim Collins, author of Good to Great

'Heart-stopping, absorbing' Daily Mail

'Captivating and unfailingly honest' Jon Krakauer

'This isn't just a book about climbing, it's about laser sharp focus in all aspects of life' Scott Jurek, author of Eat & Run

'Absolutely captivating, thrills, enriches' Denver Post

  • ISBN13 9781405924740
  • ISBN10 1405924748
  • Tipo Libro
  • Páginas 464
  • Idioma Inglés

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